So as we journeyed we were greeted with God in all his Glory as we passed through Port Wakefield at Dawn with an amazing sunrise. I just had to stop and take a photo. The journey continued and by 8:30am we had arrived in Innes National Park and there was not a breath of wind! A really Good sign for us surfers. We begun the search for waves, cos ultimately thats what we had just driven 3.5 hours for. I hadn't checked any reports, but i though i had a good chance of scoring some waves. And after 3 weeks not hitting the water i needed to break the fast. We searched all these amazing surf spots, chatted to surfers and finally arrived at our destination and where God would teach me a lesson that every surf is His.
At this stage we were frothing to get out in the surf and when you see surfers coming back with smiles on their faces and stoked you know you in for a good day. As we walked the 500 metres i came across a surfer that i met a few weeks earlier. The irony was that i was just chatting about him moments earlier. He was stoked and said there were some great waves. So as we approached the final boardwalk our eyes where captured by this
Once you see that kind of set up as a surfer you cast aside any worry about the weather, how cold the water is and whether there are any fish that will be joining you. You just want to get out there and get into the action. All you can be is thankful to the one who gives us the waves. Praise God just comes naturally out of the soul. Before we knew it we traded in our clothes for our wetsuits, booties and boards!
As i paddle out i prayed and said thanks for the scene that was before me. Which saw only about 10 surfers out and pumping 4 foot sets (10 ft faces). Pondalowie bay is a great beach cos it allows you to be able to just paddle past the surfers and what them carve up the open faces. My mate that join me kicked off the action with a beautiful wave and when he kicked off he was a picture of happiness. while we waited for the sets i struck conversation after conversation with the crew out there. It's amazing how open, free from stress and happy people can be when in the surf. A parent once told me that the surf was the Holy Spirit because every time here sons came out of the water they were refreshed and happy! there might be some truth to this.
Any way as we surfed one particular guy in the water was more open that others. Everyone was friendly, but this guy was all interested in deeper things. We just started chatting and before i knew it i was sharing about who Jesus was and what it actually meant to follow him. We talked about Church stereotypes and theology. We even talked about if we were to follow Jesus ways of life the world would be a better place. He agreed. Two surfers getting a bit deep! Any way as the hours passed and we hooted each other into waves the stoke level was at an all time high! My mate and i scored a few to write home about was in no regret that we had spent 3.5 hours in a car.
As time passed the guy i was going to get contact details from finished a little earlier. he paddled in and waved good bye. Throwing a little prayer up i ask God to create another opportunity in the future with me or another Jesus guy. I finally paddled in 3 hours later from when the session began.
My surfer mate then went and hit up some lunch before heading out to find another wave. As we pulled up to a spot that might be working i noticed a few surfers also checking out the action. As i approached the them i realised that God had answered my prayer because that surfer i was chatting to in the water was one of the guys on the cliff. He said to me "Justin, right" i said "yep" we always look different when we in clothes and our eyes are masked by sunnies. I exchanged numbers and he said he wanted to catch up sometime and maybe come out to Christian Surfers.
As they day sun set on the horizon i realized that God gives us opportunity where ever we may go. even 3.5 hours away in the middle of the week i was able to minister to those i knew, those i had just met and to people that i would become friends with. This is what i believe it is to be a surf missionary. One that every time you enter the water your an ambassador for Jesus. Christian Surfers is characterized by this kind of mission thinking. While we run events with a specific Christian Surfers banner most of the time we are undercover incarnating into breaks all over SA.
Justin Monaghan