
Monday, November 26, 2012

A day that will never be forgotten in Hawaii

Hey All,

Just have to update you and encourage you about the day of the 25th of November here on the North Shore, Oahu. One of those days that will stay with me the rest of my days. Short description of the divine set ups.

ONCE A MONTH CHURCH @ Haliewa Beach Park.
Went to a Church service that literally was in the heart of the poor community of Haliewa. There were approximately 700 homeless and poor that were blessed with a holistic service which included food, clothing, testimonies, word, Worship (Rom 12:1-2), and most importantly prayer and a focus on Jesus being the one that makes them whole. Liana sang at this service and i was asked to speak and share about faith. Didn't know that was going to happen to i'll got there. Hightlight those was seeing my beautiful wife take the nail clippers i bought out of obedience from a prayer for a man named marvin and clip his hands and feet ( wouldn't of been done for a least 10 years.). She is amazing. (John 13). I reckon this concept might being birthed into OZ soon. It the most accurate biblical experience i have ever had of Church. (Matt 19:26)
Justin, Keike, Marvin & Liana @ Once a month Church, Haliewa beach park.
Wylland Gallery Visit - Artist Walfrido meeting.
Met up with a world Acclaimed surf artist at Wyland Galleries. This was a divine encounter which was so inspiring on so many levels and was a gift to me that this was the beginning of the next stage of my life. We were able to chat, share about Surreal and watch the master at work. His name is Walfrido, check out his work.
Artist Walfrido with Liana in front of his masterpieces in Wyland gallery.

Divine Connections Abroad...
While catching up with Walfrido, met a guy named James (also an art enthusiast) and his wife Hope (Prophet) and Diane (thinking about starting an art gallery by faith). That's right crazy to think that in the island of Hawaii God is moving a prophet in words of the creative and the season is coming when God shines even more through this place and a person just quit her job to life by faith in pursuing a gallery ministry dream. Will share move when we get back, but these guys will be a huge part of Surreal going Global for God's Kingdom. yeeeeeew

James, Hope and Diane - A divine encounter for sure.
R.A.F.B Live Gig in Waimea Valley...
Last but not least Liana and i were treated to a free Jazz, blues and Rock concert in the beautiful 
Waimea valley. The cool story is that a few weeks back in the first part of the trip we met one of the members Stefan at the art and music place he and his family run on the main stretch of Haliewa. He invited us to come and see him and his family band and we just said well if its meant to be it will be. So when we pulled into Waimea planning on a waterfall hike we were blessed with the Ron Art is family band which was Stefan and his amazingly talented family band. They play free concert to give a little of heaven to earth in the name of Jesus and redeem the the rock, Jazz and blues world with life giving lyrics. AAAAMMMMMAAAZZZIIIINNNNGGGG!

R.A.F.B free Gig. Amazing blessing at the end of a special day.

So that was our Day. God really did want us to come to Hawaii! thanks for the support. will be back in Oz on the 2nd and Adelaide around the 4th December.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Are you willing?

Hey Faithful supporters,

Well its been awhile since an update and that's because of how much stuff has been happening since i updated. So in a sentence here it is. We opened the business of Surreal in start of October and God has lead us into amazing opportunities, people and challenges. It has definitely been a stretching time to say the least, but we are good. After that we jetted off to Hawaii on the biggest adventure we ever have set out on. $500, staying in Hawaii for a month and not knowing many details, but that God wanted us to be there. So currently i write this from Hawaii into the last stretch of our Adventure.

The reason i want to update and this blog is called are you willing is because i want to share a story with you in web land. it's about a guy called Nick.

A Story about a bus stop encounter!

So on the 20th November Liana and i were making our way back from Kauai (one of Hawaii's amazing islands) and we jetted into Honolulu airport. When we arrived the only details we knew was that we needed to get to Wainae on the west coast which was 45 minutes away and that was it. We decided to take the Bus and go on an adventure into part of Oahu, we had not seen. The only thing was that in Hawaii, you are not allowed to take Airport bags on there as they are too big (silly i know). so we took the plunge and as i was standing there a guy at the bus stop sees my Gold cross on my neck and say nice cross. I proceeded to say that i was Jesus man. His name was Nick.

So as i felt God say get on the bus with this guy he then told me he was baptised two days earlier and showed me a picture of it. We got on the bus, not knowing at all where we were going apart from downtown. As we sat there on the bus with Nick we heard a story about this man that would send chills down anyone. He was from Alaska and a fisherman by trade and God had recently awoken him from a rough past of meth, heroin and massive abuse to be a "fisher of men" his word not mine. He spent his time fishing 7 months a year for income and then the remaining 5 sharing the good news over the world. not from a stage, but just as he went to different places. We were blown away by this and as we continued to journey the plot thickened.

Just two weeks before Nick and his girlfriend were beaten within an inch of their lives by local Hawaiins who prey on people at night (a different kind of Hawaii hey, there actually 43% of Hawaiins are addicts). Nick as a result suffered severe facial damage which saw him break bones in his face, suffered two black eyes and the potential to be scarred for life. His girlfriend as suffered same kind of violence. As he took of his glasses i saw a face that was swolen, however not horrific thing i was expecting. He told me that God had healed the scars and the doctors were able to repair his face in a way that would not change his appearance to much. PRAISE GOD! once again his words not mine.

We then found out that He was heading to town to see police sketch artist to describe his attackers and to catch up with his girlfriend who was in hospital and potentially face a life threatening blod clot in her leg. Just as he spoke this i offered to pray for Nick his girlfriend called and told him that she had no blod clot and was released. after he hung up the phone and as we travelled through Honolulu downtown we praised and worshipped the King of Kings.

We arrived in downtown Honolulu and it looked more like a scene from west side New york, like harlem than tropical paradise. Heaps of homeless, beggars lined the street as University students ignored there pleas. We walked following Nick to his girlfriend to discover a lady that looked like she had a story to tell herself on crutches.

with 45 minutes before Nick's meeting with the sketch artist we got some food together and continued to share stories. Nick and his girlfriend new a lot the homeless and beggars and in fact one came by and i met him. A seriously deformed right arm stared at me and it was hard to look at his face as a result. I asked Him what happened and he said "i f*%k up. Later i discovered that it was heroin shot that went wrong. It looked more like tractor incident or his arm being caught in a machine at a construction site. This guy lived with Nick because of the love that He showed. This guy was housed by Nick at no charge, just to help him out of his addiction. At this moment i felt i was in the presence of greatness. Jesus said you will do even greater things than i and Nick was a testimony to this.

Just before we parted ways in the middle of the mall we prayed together, his girlfriend not a christian, but God got her number. As we prayed i felt God say to me that Nick story needs to be shared. In fact i had a vision of him in brisbane sharing not a church, but at a drug rehab centre. After we prayed he was overjoyed in meeting us and we said we seem him at church this sunday at the Church at the Beach on the north shore this weekend coming up. We parted company and new that when God told me to get the bus that day i had to answer the question are you willing?

My challenge is are you willing?

Bless you heaps and i hope this story is an challenge to you all as you follow Jesus into the places he was.

Are you willing? 40ft plunge at Waimea Canyon, Kauai.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Surreal Dream is Alive!

Hey Faithful supporters,
From now on you won't just be reading lengthy blog posts, but occasionally i will be posting up video blog entries cos after all a picture tells a thousand words. I hope when watching these video's it helps you connect with us, pray with us and inspire you to believe in a creative and massive God that nothing is impossible for! Isaiah 55:8-9.

God bless you and enjoy our first Salted life video blog!

Justin and Liana

Monday, August 27, 2012

Faith is the only way!

Hey faithful supporters,

Firstly just want to say how incredibly appreciative we are of your support and prayers that have covered us through this past season. Without them i feel that the storms that we faced would have been more like hurricanes that would ultimately tear us apart. Prayer is such an under estimated area of our walks with God, yet it really is the most important area we should be investing in our walks with Jesus. This past season without prayer would have been impossible to navigate.

The cool thing is that when we pray we commune with the living God and we enter a realm of belief and faith that is unparalleled in our human experience. It really is proof of the supernatural and a belief in a an amazing father in heaven. This foundation of prayer is where the Lord has been enabling Liana and i to undertake some of the greatest steps of faith we have ever walked out. This past season has seen us take on a new home and business in faith.

What does this mean? well about 2 months ago our life was changed when i heard the voice of God speak to me and say "go to the gallery" a little unusual, but some what making sense with my recent renewed passion to get back to my art. My response was to do exactly that. I drove to the gallery in Port Elliot and sat out side looking in wandering why God would lead me to a closed surf art gallery. It made a lot more sense when later that day i received a word of prophecy from my pastor Ben, who said "an art gallery will come open to you for a dollar." The pieces of the puzzle began to come together and the following day i walked into the surf art gallery and was welcomed by name from the current owner.

A long conversation and an insight into how God was working in this young woman life i realised that this space was going to become a part of my life in the future. Especially when there was a connection that seemed to be scripted in heaven between me and the gallery owner. And to top it off the feeling as i stepped into the house part that this was going to be my home. The details of the relationship that was formed between me and this young woman is worthy of a chapter in a book, but for a blog i'll save the details for another time or a coffee.

The following weeks saw me and Liana go on a journey of seeing God move in mighty ways as we have continued to walk in faith (that is believing in what we physically can't see). He has brought into our lives countless amazing fellow Jesus people who have offered us prayer, advice, business wisdom, accounting help and a professional grant writer. All these people have become part of the amazing plans that God is forming as we undertake this new ministry venture. 

We are super excited about the future after over coming a few storms. The Lord gives us strength as we rest in Him and trust that ultimately this whole physical ministry that is developing is all about knowing His love more and more. As we fall more in love with our King we believe and have faith to believe the impossible things he is doing through our lives. after all Jesus said “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:25-27

So please pray with us as we step in faith and believe for all our needs to be met as we take the next steps in this gallery ministry business venture. We ask you to pray specifically for this friday the 31st August as we sign the papers and pay our initial payment which is still coming in from our heavenly father. We are so stoked to have you join us and we look forward to celebrating the greatness of our King as he continues to reveal his awesome plans.

So until next time bless ya heaps

PS. Next blog the vision of a house of prayer, praise and Glory will be revealed. Stay tuned.

Our new home and ministry house, oh yeah and new business!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

West Oz Adventures!

Hey Faithful supporters,

Just a quick update cos the last ones have been essay length. Anyway for the past 6 days Liana and I have been away with the Christian Surfers National team in Dunsborough, WA. For you crew that don't know as regional coordinators for SA we are required to be at 3 training and direction weeks in the year. These times are so epic because we have the opportunity to live together like a family and share stories of encouragement to one another. The staff are the only ones that really know what its like to walk in our shoes, so it's so good to be able to get together.

When we do get together its no holiday. It rather is an opportunity to train us better in our role, to be inspired by vision from a national perspective and also to knock some of the business running and organisational stuff on the head also. The big issue this past week was our addressing of discipleship worries and the actual root cause of this issue. This being the lack of "spiritual fathers" that are around in the CSA family. So the action over the next season will be to start to address this in SA so that we are even more fruitful for our King! (Love to chat over a coffee if you want more explanation.)

Today we head back to Adelaide after a last day hanging with some awesome Jesus people and seeing some of the sites of Perth.

God bless and thanks so much for the ongoing prayer and support.

Justin and Liana

Liana and I standing in front Perth city landscape!

CSA National Team on Surf Check in SW WA.

Where Jesus would be! EPIC service with Deep South Community of Jesus crew.

Lucas Bartlett, CSA Vic & Tas Leader - Pray for our brother next door to SA.

Azza, welcome addition to the CSA crew as QLD mission developments guru! Funniest guy!

The WA boys certainly do have waves worth bragging about.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Holy Spirit Power in this years Halfway Camp!

Just a few weeks back i headed down to Port Macdonnell for our annual Halfway Hardcore Camp with my Christian surfer brothers and sisters in the region and in Victoria. This camp is definitely not for the faint hearted as it is freezing cold, wintery, we camp in tents and the water is like jumping into an esky full of ice. However the crew that come are always stoked and this years was no different.

Arriving down to the Mount Dave and i were frantic getting all the things together and were certainly blessed along the way. I had to pray for a miracle with Rent and somehow once again it all came in in time. PRAISE GOD! This is never easy to get used too, but it does remind us time and time again that God is our provider and no one else. Once that miracle happened we then ventured to our block of land right on the beach front in Cape Douglas. Beach front normally is the place to be, but when its winter and you have gale force winds you certainly are exposed to the elements. Needless to say it was such a blessing once again and made even more so with a onsite toilet and hot shower and the neighbour giving us use of his power (generosity, and he wasn't even a Jesus man yet). Suddenly Halfway camp was getting a little less hard core until the rain came on cue to put up tents, but it was no match for the committed soldiers of the South east mission and we had soon erected a sick set up. It so cool to bind together and work together in the face of adversity. Real community is certainly built on this stuff.

Anyway lets fast forward 6 hours, leaving us at 3:00am in the morning and the Adelaide crew arrived. Once again on cue God presented us a challenge of building tents under other tents just to avoid the constant rain that was pouring down. It was all a bit fun, and once we were set up up we were ready for a massive 3 hours sleep before getting up for the dawny. i told you surfers were a different breed.

Next morning we awoke to absolutely massive swell and so the numerous sweet little reef breaks were just closing out. the decision was to hit up a session at a local beach break and we were not let down. For 3 hours we braved the near freezing conditions, actually the coldest water i have ever surfed in and had an epic time. everyone is was going off and the atmosphere in the water was simply electric. Joel and Davo the stand outs for sure!

The arvo got a bit wild as a westerly change moved in and so we were losing options. some opted for a bit of catch up on the z;'s, some watched an entertaining duel between Dog and Cow! was pretty funny! and some braved the crazy conditions at a reef break! it was Hardcore!

As evening broke, i felt God put on my heart a message for the camp. It was a bit fuzzy at first, but as i began to cook up the feast of the century, it became clearer. A few weeks back i had dreamed about God preparing the final banquet in his house and it only seemed fitting that this is what i wanted us to focus on this night. Alex asked to help me in the cooking and i said to him i wanted a bible, which he thought was pretty funny considering i was turning over steaks on the BBQ, but this is what i asked him to find.

Matthew 22:

And again Jesus (A)spoke to them in parables, saying, (B)“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave (C)a wedding feast for his son, and (D)sent his servants[a] to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come. (E)Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my (F)dinner, (G)my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.”’ But (H)they paid no attention and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, while the rest seized his servants, (I)treated them shamefully, and (J)killed them.The king was angry, and he sent his troops and (K)destroyed those murderers and burned their city. Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not (L)worthy. Go therefore to the main roads and invite to the wedding feast as many as you find.’ 10 And those servants went out into the roads and (M)gathered all whom they found, both bad and good. So the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 “But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there (N)a man who had no wedding garment. 12 And he said to him, (O)‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and (P)cast him into the outer darkness. In that place (Q)there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 For many are (R)called, but few are (S)chosen.”

One of the many things that i brought out of this story was that Jesus lavished a great feast onto those he invited. It was not just sausages, bread and a bit of onion if your lucky. He lavished all on his invited guests. For us it was steak, marinated chicken, sausages, onion, vegetarian options, grilled vegetable and roast ones too, and much more. For Him it was so much more. The amazing thing in this story was that his invited guest didn't even come, they were too busy with life, their businesses, everything except being at the Kings feast. My challenge to the crew at camp was to identify themselves in the story by the way their life was playing out. Was there more attention to the business, leisure or to the King?

The night carried on as we stood around a warm fire we reflected, laughed, even made Jam donuts over the fire. It was a great time of conversations and just being real community on a block in the country. The halfway camp is generally a pretty casual affair. We don't have a written schedule, or a bunch of meetings to attend. so when these things happen out of the movements of the people and God it is so epic! This camp was driven by God and obedience to Him and so when Richard, Craig and Terry got us cranking into a worship session it only seemed a fitting way to finish things up. The coolest thing was when we began to sing a wind came like no other and drowned out our voices and the words to hustling sounds and awe inspiring rumble of God, in fact i thought we were going to take off hanging on the tent we worshipped under. After we finished the wind settled. The crazy this is when the Holy Spirit first bursted onto the scene in Acts 2 it came like a rushing wind! It was so cool to have the presence of his Holy Spirit touching this camp. And as the Holy Spirit does it reminds us of who we are in Jesus. It convicts us, challenges us and encourages us to keep walking the walk. so there was much ministry that happened in the hearts of the campers.

Sunday we arose to crazy weather, wild seas and tiredness and so we decided to call it a day with camp after a big cook up of bacon and eggs! we headed into Mt Gambier for one last coffee together before we would head home. It was such an awesome time and once again will be a highlight for those who came in this years Christian Surfers calendar.

Thanks to all who came and made it so awesome!

Bless ya heaps and there will plenty more stories coming to the Salted life in coming week! so much going on right now that we just need to share!

Love Justin!

the crazy crew that made up this years halfway camp @ Port Macdonnell, SA

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Harvest Time!

Hey faithful supporters, 

Its amazing how time fly's when your focused on being used by God in the daily routine, especially when you wake each day awaiting what the plans are going to be. The only thing that i new in the last 6 weeks is that i was based down in Goolwa beach on the south coast and that i would be dropping Liana off at her teaching practicum at 8am and picking her up at 4pm. The time in between on most days was a blank canvas. That was the really cool thing about it though because when you are in that place you approach life with expectation and wonder as your day unfolds before your eyes. Each day in the last 6 weeks i have encountered new people, old friends and many others in which God has given me the opportunity to get alongside, to hear their hearts and to find the connection point between them and their creator. Now for me this is what makes the blood pump, it's the thing that gets me excited and enables me to believe the words of John 10:10 about Jesus coming to give life in abundance.

I have learned that "i love sharing Jesus through my life and my words" and the even cooler thing is that a lot of the people i have met love me sharing it too. Now that may sound strange and not the common response to those sharing Jesus, but that has been my experience in this time on the south coast. Whether it has been on the phone, or in the surf or just in my travels and duties i have encountered time and time again divine set ups by God in which he has used a few words that have come out of mouth that have made a difference in a person or peoples lives. I certainly can't take the credit for it. the only thing i can take credit for is that i have positioned myself in places in order to see what God is doing in the lives around me. Honestly if was to reflect on the last 6 weeks of divine moments all i could say is that when you step aside and rest in Him, He then uses you in ways that you couldn't even imagine. The advantage of this place of absolute assurance of rest in Him, is that you walk in the confidence of Him and nothing or no one can get in the way of Jesus being the only thing. 

For me and what i have learnt in the last 6 weeks is that when He is the only thing, He is the focus, He is one you live for nothing can distract from the joy that comes from living for Him. And when you have this as your direction you actually become your most authentic, most loving self you can be. The world that we live in needs us to be our most authentic self. if we are truly honest with ourselves our most authentic self is one that is totally in union with Jesus. This kind of you without effort will impact your friend, your family and the people you live life with. I heard it said that "a fruit tree doesn't need to try to bear good fruit, it just does cos its a fruit tree." A quite profound statement yet is so true. In Matthew 7:18 Jesus alludes to this and says that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit if its good and because of what Jesus did on that tree of calvary we are good trees. Thats how God, your creator sees you, a good tree that is incapable of producing bad fruit. This is the true reality and this is where Life is truly found. As a tree that doesn't have to try to be a tree, but just is. 

I hope that you are encouraged by the way that your prayers, financial support and other support has enable this last 6 weeks to a season i would describe as "harvest time." Thats an exciting time and i believe is time that approaching all of us faster than we think. So be consumed by Him and let him flow out of you as He wants to.

Whats practically happening?

Biggest news is that Liana has climbed her Everest and as i write has one day of her final teaching practical to go. She found out a few days ago that she passed her practical and that the people responsible were impressed with Liana's improvement and confidence that had developed over the time of her practical. I am so proud of her and it brings me so much joy to see her fly like the eagle that she was created to be. She has just 2 assignments to go and it's party time! So thanks for all the prayers and support show to her in this time. she has certainly be lifted up by all of you to achieve such a feat.

A picture of absolute surrender! Well done Liana

The other news is that we are heading back our home at Christies Beach next week and so back to living in community with Kris and the girls. For me this is exciting, but also sad as i have to say goodbye to surf beaches being just a stones throw away. My 23 surfing times in the last 25 days has been such a joy for me and a reminder that i love surfing and most of all i love the surfers. I hope that i can continue to be disciplined in getting in the water as this has been where a lot of the harvest has come from. its so cool that God allows our passions to come together with Him.

I will continue to work at Cutloose Surf and hope to bring blessing to the people there as it winds down. Yes that right the surf shop i work for will cease to exist in a few months. It has been an awesome time, in which i have gained experience, impacted new crew and sold heaps of surf stuff. What is around the corner who knows. What i do know is i need not to worry cos today is what i have been given. The next job i'm sure will come and i'm sure it will be just the right place.

I know had a lot to share and just hope that you are encouraged, inspired and challenged by what your support has enabled Liana and myself to do.

Bless ya heaps and we love you eternally.

Justin and Liana.

The call for us all! to Represent the King Here in this world.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Changed lives.

tucking in at beautiful parsons beach!
Hey all, just wanted to share a story!

As some might know i work as a surf coach as well as lead CS. And a few weeks ago i did a surf coaching trip over to Yorke peninsula. Little did i know that in the next 3 days God would invite me to partner with him in the lives of the two coaches i was working with, particularly one of them. 

After the first day i was chatting with one of the coaches and he shared with me that he had severe back pain and that he had been suffering a little bit of depression and it had impacted his life a number of times. I really felt that God wanted me to address this and so i said to him "i believe that you do not have to deal with this because God wants to heal you." A bold statement, but when your a passenger to when God takes over its amazing what comes out of your mouth. Any way this lead to a great conversation and then an opportunity to ask if i could pray for him over the next few days. He said he would really appreciate that.

Next morning i was praying and worshipping and the Lord lead me to a passage in John.

John 14:27
27 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.(NLT)

This passage was the wisdom that this surf coach needed to hear. and the next morning on the wednesday 2nd May 2012 i shared this with him. He responded in the only way someone would respond when a word pierces your heart. And in this moment i was able to pray from him and particularly over his back which he was experiencing large amounts of pain. I felt the Lord speak healing over his mind and as a result he was healed. the rest of the day he ran out a full vigorous session of coaching and he is almost 50 so thats impressive and most of all he had no pain.

A week later i caught up with him and spoke to him and asked the question of how he was going since i had prayed over him. He replied "that since i have prayed he has had no back pain and his depression has ceased."

To God be the glory is all i can say and encourage you all that its amazing what can happen when you become the conduit for what God might want to be doing in a life you connect with. So be bold and believe that God can do these things through you too.

New Roomies.
Also just one last update. For the past 3 months Liana opened up our home to a single Dad and his 2 daughters of 5 and 7. It has been a journey that has been a growing one, but overall it has seen this young family experience freedom and healing from their previously bad living situation. Keep praying for us as we continue in this journey. Below is a pic of Kris, Maddi and Chelsea so you know who we are living with.

Kris, Maddi (Left), Chelsea (Right)

God Bless, 

Justin & Liana.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Set Free!

Hey Faithful supporters,

Here's just a real quick update on whats happening with Liana and I as we serve as Kingdom workers in our lives.

2012 has kicked off with a bang and our lives are showing that we are completely consumed by an amazing God that calls us serve Him. God has revealed to us that our ministry work extends beyond the title of Regional Coordinators for SA, but is actually our whole life. Every week, every day, every moment is an opportunity for us to be an instrument in any situation.

Between Liana and I in the past month we have Sold ice creams for STREETS at Clipsal 500 and Womad, Surf coached, cooked BBQ at various functions, Teaching at schools in Blackwood and Goolwa, Christian surfers travel and work, had a single dad and 2 daughters move in and there is much more. Given this variety of the past month we realise that we serve in a LIFE capacity, not a title capacity.

Why are we Set Free? well because when you rid yourselves of the things that take Life away from you, you realise that you are created to do the things that bring life. And when this happens you become the recklessly abandoned Jesus radical that he wants you to be. Both Liana and i are stoked and are looking forward to how together we will continue our journey as Kingdom workers for a mighty King.

I have a small clip that explains it all! (technical difficulties, but coming soon).

Bless ya heaps!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A New year Begins!

Hey All our Faithful supporters!

Well its been awhile since i posted on here! The reason is because of the crazy schedule that happened towards the end of 2011. Kangaroo Island pretty much dominated my life. I spent large amount of time over there working on the big KI Surfing and Music event. Unfortunately this event has copped a lot of bad press in media and other forums. The great thing that happened out of this event has got much air time and that is that Christian Surfers Volunteers served with all their heart and soul to make the event a great success. 78 volunteers worked up to 12 hours a day and wore their Jesus hearts on their sleeves. As the leader i was so proud of my team. See attached pic!

So anyway post KI Liana and i have settled into our new house with fresh vision and super excited about where God is taking us. We received our house via a miracle (as me some time) and since then have had a real opportunity to build a great home and God has blessed us amazingly filling our home with all that is needed to be a house of hospitality. We are sure to have many stories that will come from this next journey.

After 2011 i was needing a long break and so over the time of December and early January i took some sabbath time. It was a hard journey of searching God's heart and looking for the renewing of mine. I was completely exhausted and needed some REST. What i discovered was that i needed the kind of REST that i actually hadn't had for quite some time (3 years). In this journey i was able to spend some great time in my marriage rediscovering the fun of being able to do life with your best friend. I was able to Surrender all that i have and all that i am to God afresh. In fact even was on the verge of moving on from ministry completely. But as God does when you find REST in him he reveals the true plans of the path. OBEDIENCE is the key and is all he asks for. So OBEDIENCE is what we did.

This Obedience has seen Liana and I begin another year leading Christian Surfers in SA. Its been a journey of many deserts, but this is where God has lead us. We look forward to an exciting year ahead and the move in the spiritual realm which is of massive proportions that is coming. Jesus has been so faithful to us and he continues to be so. He is the only Lord that we want to follow and so as the year rolls on we are in anticipation as to where he might move us to, what people He has has ministering too and the adventures that lie ahead.

This weekend i will be firing up the crew of South Oz for our annual leaders retreat. We appreciate you prayers over this time.

We would like to say a massive thank you to all of you that make it possible for us to be OBEDIENT to our King. Your partnership is invaluable and prayers are invaluable. we look forward to sharing many more stories in 2012. (there is short clip of our new home of Christies beach)

Bless ya heaps!